Teaching Thursdays

3 Care Tips/Fun Facts About Garden Mums

Garden Mums and Gourds for Fall/Autumn
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It’s officially Fall, and Garden Mums are in stock. Here are three care tips/fun facts.

One: Chrysanthemums do best in full to part sun; not enough light can result in fewer buds. Once they bloom, you can place them in more shade to not scorch the flowers. 

Two: They thrive in pots or container gardens since they have shallow roots. This also means they’re relatively thirsty plants; water once the first inch of soil starts drying out. And if you’re making a container garden, try pairing Mums with Crotons, Creeping Jenny, or Ornamental Grasses for a festive look. 

And three: Mums are more than 3,000 years old, at least that’s when we first started recording them in writings, maybe they’re even older! And in the United States, they symbolize joy and optimism, making them the perfect addition to your Fall garden.

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