Teaching Thursdays

5 Florida Native Flowers for Easy Gardening

Goldenrod Slender and Sweet, Florida Native Plant
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Five Florida Native Flowers for easy gardening:

False Rosemary. Resembles the classic herb but isn’t used in cooking, it’s actually in the mint family. Blooms purple flowers practically year-round, loves full sun, and is drought-tolerant. 

Goldenrod Slender and Sweet. Clusters of yellow flowers billow at the end of these long plants in the summer and fall. Once established, they actually thrive in harsh conditions with little to no water. 

Wild Ageratum. Features tiny purple wildflowers that do well in just about any soil — sandy, moist to wet, loamy, or mucky. Makes a great border plant or in large garden beds since it spreads quickly. 

Rosinweed Starry. Large, long-lasting flowers attract various pollinators. Prefers full to part sun, is very robust, easily reseeds, and can reach up to five feet tall. 

St. John’s Wort Kilimanjaro. We had to include this one for Kim and Joey. Low-growing shrub or groundcover with yellow flowers and brown fruit. Can handle long, dry periods once established.

Learn about more native plants on Saturday, October 21, 2023, during our free Start a Pollinator Party seminar at 10 am and tour of our Homegrown National Park® at 11:30 am. We’ll also have the Seasoned Green food truck here from 11 am – 2 pm.

Anybody can sell you plants, we make sure you succeed.

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