Attracting Wildlife
There is a variety of wildlife in our area, from butterflies to birds and squirrels to frogs. What you plant in your garden can affect the type of wildlife you will see. Use the hints and plant lists below to create a garden for both you and the wildlife around us.
(Click to open a printable PDF version of the information below.)
Easy Ways to Attract Wildlife to Your Garden
- Provide a food source with plants or feeders
- Create areas of cover and shelter for nesting and safety
- Provide a water source such as a birdbath or pond
- Limit lawn areas, which provide no food or cover
- Think Vertical
- Limit pesticide and herbicide use

Plants That Attract Wildlife
There are many plants that can be used in the garden to help attract wildlife. Use the following as a starting point for some great garden choices.
Nectar Plants
Firecracker, Firebush*, Coral Honeysuckle*, Porterweed, Red Tropical Sage*, Powderpuff, Penta, Jatropha, Beach Sunflower*, Lantana, Buddleia, Golden Dewdrop, Cassia, Milkweed
Shelter and Nesting
Oaks*, Wax Myrtle*, Southern Magnolia*, Coontie Palm*, Saw Palmetto*, Virginia Willow*, Anise*, Winged Elm*, Walter’s Viburnum*, Simpson’s Stopper*, River Birch*, Redbud*
Nuts and Berries
Fig, Beauty Berry*, Loquat/Japanese Plum, Mulberry, Avocado, Citrus, Blueberry, Barbados Cherry, Pineapple Guava, Pecan, Macadamia Nut, Muscadine Grape
*Florida Native Plant
Anybody can sell you plants, we make sure you succeed.