Caring for Camellias

For nearly 200 years, camellias have been a fixture in southern gardens. As landscape centerpieces or foundation plantings, they pull a garden together and their blooms bring a bit of cheer during the winter, when their color is warmly received.

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Plant Correctly

Florida climate throws a lot at plants. Camellias need to be planted in part shade, preferably in an area that receives a few hours of direct morning sun. They also need to be planted in well-drained soil. Use Black Gold® Natural and Organic Garden Compost Blend for each camellia that you plant. For an extra boost, add the appropriate amount of Espoma Organic® Bio-tone® Starter Plus. It is both a fertilizer for new roots and a source of mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that improve soil health and create a sturdy root system.1

Care For Your Plants

Plants are living, breathing things, and they need regular care to live up to their full potential. Always water in the morning. Water your camellias daily in the first month, every other day in the second month, and twice weekly in the third month. After this period, water once per week, or more frequently if it is very hot and dry.

Fertilize monthly in the first year with The Kerby’s Special fertilizer and three times per year after that (one time each in spring, summer, and fall). Commit to caring for your camellias, and you’ll have the most beautiful blooms on the block.

White Camellia

Prune Smart

Camellias set buds in the fall for their winter and spring bloom, so typically the best time to prune camellias is after they’ve bloomed (usually in early spring). If you prune in the fall or winter, you’ll prune off the season’s blooms.

Watch for Pests

Camellias are tough, cold-hardy, evergreen shrubs, but they still have a few potential pests. Mites, aphids, and scale are insects that you may find on camellias. Check plants every few weeks, and if you see these pests, treat with Systemic Insect Killer.

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