Life Lived Outside


How High Will You Climb?

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No, this isn’t another newsletter about climbing mountains. We’ve got some training yet before we tackle Aconcagua, Denali, or Everest… This is about climbing trees. With it being summer and being, well, a little warm outside, I’ve been thinking a lot about trees. About how much they do to create shade, lower energy costs, and provide a spot to enjoy the outdoors even when the sun is at its peak. They are nature’s air purifiers and the makers of memories.

Maddy and Abby in a Tree

I think I could write you a newsletter on just about every tree that we had in our yard growing up. There were huge Eucalyptus trees all over the yard in the early 80s. Then slowly one by one they were hit by lightning and had to come down. They were cool trees, but not particularly great for climbing (which is the only rating, besides fruit production, that matters to little kids). My sister and I had “our trees” in the front yard, mine a Loquat and hers a Jacaranda. She and I would climb those trees and shout back and forth at each other. There was the Cherry Laurel in the backyard where each of my three siblings and I had our own spot to hang out in and the Golden Rain Tree in the front yard where we often ate lunch and made plans for our afternoon activities.

Joey Climbing a Tree

We were usually content to just use the trees for forts and hangout spots (and to hide from our parents), but every now and then we’d try to see how high we could go. We’d dare each other to put a foot a little higher and a little higher. Pretty soon, we’d be balanced on one foot between what amounted to little twigs. When the wind blew, you knew it because you’d sway a few feet from one side to the other. Looking back, it probably wasn’t the smartest idea. We were awfully high up in those trees, but it gave us a feeling of freedom and adventure. And for me, climbing trees just turned into climbing mountains, so in some ways, I guess I haven’t lost that original spark.

Kids Climbing Trees

If you need a place for adventure or just a spot for picnics in the shade, then it is time to plant a new shade tree. There are lots of sturdy, native options that will add beauty to your landscape while creating the perfect place for making your outdoor memories. This week only, they are all 20% off. And if you want someone to do the hard work for you, don’t forget that we offer Delivery and Installation Services as well. Grab a cold lemonade and watch Brian plant your next picnic spot while you relax.

Joey and His Sister in the Shade of a Tree

P.S. We will be closing early on Thursday, August 3 at 3pm to celebrate our colleague Minervo’s 20th anniversary with Kerby’s. When you see him at the Nursery, please congratulate him on his many years of dedication to gardening in our community!

Happy Gardening,
The Kerby's Nursery Family

The Bokor Family
Family Cookbook

Favorite Hot Beverage

Many of us have a hot beverage we love in winter or at the holidays. For Joey’s family, it wasn’t traditional hot cocoa.

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