I think you’d agree with that statement. Moms are marvelous. They are magnificent, they are remarkable. And I’ve got a story to prove it. A few weeks ago, my mom came by the nursery with a couple of things to drop off for me and a couple of plants to pick up. Nothing unusual about that. But then she made a second plan to stop by our house over the weekend. She said it was because she had some things to deliver to our house, and I thought she meant a couple of empty plastic bins and a furniture dolly (she has been actively cleaning out her garage).
Boy, was I wrong. We were sitting outside enjoying a pleasant evening in the yard when she brought over a bag and told me it was a present. Partly from her and partly from my grandmother. My grandmother passed away in 1998, so at this point, I had no idea what she could mean. And I pulled out a beautiful quilt.
Apparently, my grandmother wanted to make a quilt for me when I went off to college. She knew it had to have purple in it because that was (and is) my favorite color. So she began stitching the white squares that you see in the picture. But she never finished. She completed all 12 squares, but never got them put together to make a quilt. After she passed away, my grandfather moved back to Tampa and the squares were packed away in a box.
And forgotten about for some time, until last year during some house-cleanout, my mother discovered the squares and decided to finish the quilt all these years later. She thought it would be easy to find someone to do it for her, but it ended up leading her on a wild quilt chase all over central Florida. At some point, she decided she would do some of it herself and borrowed Abby’s sewing machine. Once she got the main body of the quilt together, she needed someone with a long-arm stitching machine to complete the quilt. After calling a number of people, she finally found someone with the right machine and the availability to get the sewing done as well.
What a gift. A little piece of my mother and grandmother to snuggle under and sip some coffee with a great book and a cozy Pearl. I think you’ll agree that was something pretty marvelous my mom did. I’m lucky for sure.
And I’ll bet you’ve got a million reasons that you think your mom, your grandmother, your aunt, or whoever’s a mom in your life is marvelous, too. For all the things she does, the things she sacrificed, and the time she still takes to be with you or do things for you. Make sure she knows it every day but make it extra special this weekend on Mother’s Day.
P.S. Mom and me…a few years ago! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!