Teaching Thursdays

Rose Mallow 101

Proven Winners® Rose Mallow Shrub, flowering plant
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Can you believe that these blooms open to the size of dinner plates? Here are three care tips/fun facts about Rose Mallows by Proven Winners®.

One: These evergreen shrubs do best in full to part sun, reach just over four feet tall, and prefer rich, more acidic soil. So if you’re planting in the ground, make sure to amend our sandy native soil with a richer, acidic blend, such as our Black Gold® Garden Compost, which will help the plant establish more efficiently.

Two: If you think the bloom looks like a Hibiscus, you aren’t totally wrong. Rose Mallow is in the same family as Hibiscus, which also includes the funky Fireball Mallow and the beautiful Rose of Sharon.

Three: We stock the Proven Winners Rose Mallows, which come in shades of pink, red, or white, with either green or purple foliage. We currently have several varieties available, so make sure to stop by soon to check them all out.

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