We just refreshed our Butterfly House for spring, and here’s everything we have planted:
A massive Dutchman’s Pipevine, which is a host plant for Polydamus and Pipevine Swallowtails. Host plants are what specific butterflies lay eggs on so their hatched caterpillars can consume the necessary foliage.
Dill: a host plant for Black Swallowtails. They also like Carrots, Parsley, and Fennel.
A Citrus Tree for Giant Swallowtails. They like just about any citrus.
And lots of Milkweed for Monarchs. This is the only host plant for Monarchs. We stock a few varieties, including Native Milkweed.
There’s also Salvia, Penta, Bush Daisies, and Butterfly Bush for nectar plants. Nectar plants provide food for butterflies.
The Florida Native Coral Honeysuckle is also going strong and perfect for butterflies since it features tubular blooms.
And the Powderpuff Plant is ideal for them to stop, rest, and feed since these wide flowers feature clusters of stamens.
There’s also a small tray filled with rock and water for butterflies to puddle, AKA rest and get a drink.
We plan on planting more flowers and host plants to make this space wild for the butterflies. We can’t wait to see it fill up as the weather continues to warm up.