![Don Juan Rose Bloom with Bee on It](https://mltsrvflhbok.i.optimole.com/cb:bgz1.54fb7/w:1024/h:1024/q:mauto/f:best/https://www.kerbysnursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/IMG_8409.jpg)
Our favorite climbing rose has to be Don Juan. It’s such a classic beauty and smells amazing, which is rare among climbing roses.
Since we’re in Florida, ours are grafted onto hardy Fortuniana rootstock so they can withstand our hot and humid climate. And if you’re a longtime follower, you know our rose suggestions: plant in full sun with rich compost, treat often with something like the 2-N-1 Systemic to keep the leaves happy, and fertilize regularly to promote new growth.
Roses require a little extra TLC here in the Sunshine State, but just imagine how gorgeous these look when covering a trellis or an arch.