Watering Instructions

Watering: The Kerby's Way

Your new plants are going to need plenty of water to get growing. Follow this schedule to help them develop a strong root system:

  • Water them daily in the first month.
  • Water them every other day for the second month.
  • Water them twice a week for the third month.

After this period, water them once per week or more frequently if our weather is very hot and dry.

Garden Hose Watering with Watering Schedule

Watering Tips

  • Always water in the morning. Plants only need water when the sun is up. If you wait until they are wilting, they won’t grow big and strong.
  • Water differently for plants in shady areas. If they are in the shade, they’ll need a little less water. Make sure that they’re not sitting in soggy soil.
  • For hanging baskets or container gardens, check soil daily and water when they’ve dried out. They’ll always need water more regularly than their cousins planted in the ground.
Watering with a Garden Hose

Use a hose. Plants like a nice deep soaking when they’re new, and sprinklers may not give them enough water.

Watch our video for more details and visuals to turn you into a watering pro.

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