Yes, I realize that isn’t the proper lyric for the Beatles song Revolution. But each time I thought about resolutions throughout December, that song ran through my head with resolution as the lyric. And when we make resolutions, we kind of want a revolution and big changes in ourselves. We have huge expectations about what a new year will bring. To continue the lyrics of the song, “Well, you know, we all want to change the world.”
And in the second verse, John Lennon sings, “You say you got a real solution. Well, you know, we’d all love to see the plan.” When we think of the resolutions we want to make, we often romanticize them with no plan whatsoever. Lose a ton of weight, run a marathon, climb Mt. Everest … we often come up with things that are wildly unattainable. Or at least unattainable in the near term. If someone were to ask us to see the plan, we’d probably just give a blank stare. Now, I’m all for having crazy aspirations. Sometimes we have to dream about doing big things in order to do big things. But when it comes to making resolutions, those big dreams often fizzle pretty quickly after a few weeks in January have passed.
It’s like a funny tweet I saw the other day:

I don’t know why that made me laugh, but it did. We want a different outcome than we’ve always gotten, but we aren’t always willing to do the actual work to achieve our goals.
But not this year, right? This year, you are going to have purpose and drive to fulfill your resolutions and create a revolution in your life. You are going to have a plan, and you could show it to us! Some of the best inspiration I’ve gotten for this is from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. (And if your resolution is to read more, start with this book!) It’s all about breaking big goals into manageable pieces to make them attainable. Consistency beats intensity. Small changes, done over and over, lead to big changes. So dream big, create a plan, be consistent, and (cue Lennon singing) “when you say you want a resolution, yeah, you know, you are going to change your life in 2025!”
P.S. If you’ve got a resolution centered around fitness, join us for our first Yoga in the Garden of 2025, this Saturday at 9:30 am. It’s going to be a little cold, but I’m sure Kristen with Keystone Yoga will get us right into the power moves to generate some warmth. Get tickets here.
P.P.S. If becoming a baker is on this year’s list, come out this Saturday and connect with Spellbound Sourdough from 10 am to 1 pm. Heather will be selling delicious baked goods, and she’ll have some sourdough starter packets if you are looking to get your own sourdough going at home.

P.P.P.S. If gardening is on your list this year, Kerby’s is your place. We are happy to answer all of your garden questions and have lots of fun planned for the 2025 season. Check our events page for various happenings and seminars coming up soon.